I wanted to paint something wintery. My wife thinks this is the best I've done for a while. The camera however, took away from the wintery feel. When you look at the real painting you feel cold and lonely. I guess I might need a new camera?!
I have done this view last month. Now I decided to do a different interpretation. I kept the skyline, but I changed the light to make it come from the east. I wanted the painting to show an early hazy morning. The picture I took was in the afternoon. The clouds were facing the other way. It was challenging but fun! Please compare to the one I did last month.
I am starting a new painting. This is the outline sketch..Next, will be the anxiety stage. This usually disappears once I put a few colors in. Someties the anxiety recurrs, but this is all part of the watercolor adventure!
I haven't done any big painting for a while..I just have been sketching and doing 9X12 inch paintings. I am not posting all of them since some are reproductions of other artists work for my own training..They say to improve, learn from the great..I am however showing one of Sargent's. It is the boat at the pier..The sea gull is from a picture I took at cape Elizabeth..The sketches are of Gaby and Lindsey!